little list of proposal for maverick from kubuntu italian users

Harald Sitter apachelogger at
Sun Jun 27 07:21:15 BST 2010

Am Samstag, 26. Juni 2010, 17:56:13 schrieb Mackenzie Morgan:
> On Saturday, June 26, 2010 6:13:06 am maggsimo at wrote:
> > 2) artwork: We are asking for artwork in Kubuntu like other distro have.
> > A not invasive artwork, in according with the default style of KDE, but
> > at
> > 
> > the same time a brand for Kubuntu. Only simple work:
> >     * Kubuntu-Icon for kickoff;
> >     * Kubuntu logo in KDE Splash;
> >     * Kubuntu Wallpaper branded with Kubuntu logo.
> >     * Kubuntu logo in kdm;
> Don't know about the rest, but I can tell you all of these have been
> rejected many times.  Being true to upstream is a Kubuntu goal.  Though
> the kdm in Lucid is actually Kubuntu-specific.  Upstream didn't have one
> at all, and Roman (I think?) made it.  It's been sent upstream (of
> course), and should be in KDE SC 4.5.

Right, the thing is that KDM just disturbed our's and upstream's login 
experience a bit (it looked horrible), so that is the reason for that.

We also have discussed this numerous times and always reached the same 
conclusion. Let me just highlight some of the key points behind *not* having 
custom branding:
 * KDE does the work, so KDE deserves most of the credit, and we are not 
considering Menu -> Help -> About enough of this, in fact that the KDE brand 
is dominant within Kubuntu is simply because KDE's software is the dominant 
visible work product.
 * By incompletely swapping the brand it will probably create rising confusion 
about what Kubuntu is and what this KDE is, that is mentioned here and there.
 * We do generally like upstream's artwork, in fact I would go as far as 
saying that we love it, and since our color profile overlaps a lot with KDE's 
(for obvious reasons ;)), there is not that could be done regarding 
customizing existing artwork.

Despite those things it is not anyway as simple as "adding our logo", because 
simply doing that will lead to artwork that looks completely off. One ought to 
carefully integrate our logo into the general artwork's colors and forms. We 
have seen how difficult this is with creating a custom launcher icon 
(available for those that desire a Kubutu-branded starter icon in the panel).

I do not claim this to be a complete list of all the reasons discussed in the 
past, but it sure is one of the more important ones.

Harald Sitter
Kubuntu Core Developer
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