possible problem w/ autodetect netbook vs regular

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at gmail.com
Fri Jul 23 01:48:49 BST 2010

Good evening,

In my testing I've been impressed w/ how Kubuntu Maverick is now
autodetecting whether or not to present the plasma-netbook or
plasma-desktop, virtual machines.  I am testing Maverick on both VM
Workstation and VirtualBox with a Windows 7 host machine.  Both of my
installs start up in 800x600 until I have install either vmware-tools or
vboxadditions.  Since I'm at 800x600, I receive plasma-netbook and the
machines look like my netbook.
Any ideas on this?

I can easily run plasma-desktop and/or change the start up to launch
plasma-desktop instead, however I am then presented with a problem where the
top menu portion disappears.  Does this make sense?


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