Kaffeine 1.0 and Kubuntu

Valter Mura valtermura at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 21:47:05 BST 2010

In data mercoledì 21 luglio 2010 21:15:39, Reinhard Tartler ha scritto:

> >> It looks like it is and has always been in multiverse:
> >> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayer
> >> 
> >> It also depends on libmp3lame0, which is in multiverse. (Not sure if
> >> that's the sole reason for its residence in multiverse or not)
> I believe this is an error, but didn't find the time to overwork the
> debian/copyright files and request their promotion. They are all GPL
> licensed packages that should be perfectly acceptable license-wise for
> kubuntu.
> That was btw the main reason I've asked for your concerns. I understand
> that there are actually none.
> > Beyond that, even if the non-free depends could be dropped there is also:
> > 
> > libavcodec cannot be shipped on CDs (c.f. Ubuntu technical board
> > resolution 2007-01-02)
> I suspected that, but this has nothing to do with software licenses.
> AFAIUI, vlc loads libavcodec.so at runtime via
> /usr/lib/vlc/plugins/codec/libavcodec_plugin.so, similar to xine which
> kubuntu currently uses. The major difference is that for xine, the
> 'avcodec' plugin is in the package 'libxine1-ffmpeg', which is
> blacklisted on the CDs as well. I'm pretty sure that something similar
> could be arranged for vlc as well. We haven't done that yet because
> there is (was) no technical necessity for this.
> All in all, this all sounds like a realistically solvable problem to me.

so, in this, case, why don't consider the use of "kplayer"? It's based on 
mplayer and has also subtitle functionalities.

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