About Phonon in Qt 4.6.1

Jonathan Thomas echidnaman at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 22:49:18 GMT 2010

On Sun 31 Jan 2010 05:45:01 pm you wrote:
> On Fri 29 Jan 2010 06:32:59 pm Alessandro Ghersi wrote:
> > 3) Do what Thiago said (build KDE's Phonon and build all
> packages against
> > that, build Qt's Phonon for webkit but don't install Phonon
> from Qt)
> Reading the goings-on @ OFTC, it looks like Debian is going to
> take this route. It's the route I'd recommend, too.
> What a mess. :(

... replying to myself here. Looks like discussion in Debian is 
still ongoing on what to do, so I rescind my first statement. We 
should do whatever they do though.

> > I think we need a decision...any suggestions?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Lex

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