Progress bar animations for KDE 4.4 ?

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Tue Jan 19 00:14:27 GMT 2010

On Tuesday 19 January 2010 00:58:01 Vishal Rao wrote:
> Thanks for responding with upstream info that some animations are switched
> off late for 4.4, good enough for me. It's not a big deal of course, I was
> just curious whether something was wrong with my install, but clearly not.
> 4.4 is looking very nice (thanks for the great work) and I will look
> forward to 4.5 with Lucid+1 for an even more slick desktop.

Or just switch them on again in System Settings | Appearance | Style | Applications | 
Configure :)

sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 
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