frustrations w/ KDE 4.4

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Tue Jan 12 15:08:06 GMT 2010

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:02 AM, <justin at> wrote:

>  On 12/01/10 10:24, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 January 2010 11:22:58 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>  1.  plasma-desktop does not start automatically:  Every time I
> login/restart my computer I am forced to manually start plasma-desktop.
> I've noticed that Lucid does not have this problem.  The problem started
> w/ KDE 4.4 Beta 2 and continues in the RC
>  I recall some left-over from plasma-netbook in one of the autostart folders
> causing  this. I'll check what it was and get back to you. Is it possible
> that you ran a tech preview of plasma-netbook? That could've left traces
> in your homedir that cause this problem.
>  Check ~/.config/autostart
>  I have this problem with plasma-netbook 4.4 rc1 on i386 Karmic, and had
> to start plasma-netbook manually using Alt+F2.
> I did not have a ~/.config/autostart directory, and have removed ~/.kde/.
> In fact I created a brand new user and home directory and plasma-netbook
> still didn't want to start.
> In the end I configured /usr/bin/plasma-netbook to auto start using System
> Settings -> Advanced -> Autostart.
> Best regards,
> Justin
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On my netbook plasma-netbook does not start and on my laptop plasma-desktop
does not start.  On both machines I have both a plasma-desktop and
plasma-netbook file in the autostart directory
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