I would like the councils to vote on my membership

Steve Stalcup stalcups at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 04:00:42 GMT 2010

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 2, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Celeste Lyn Paul <celeste at kde.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 6:18 PM, Steve Stalcup <stalcups at gmail.com>  
> wrote:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Lydia Pintscher <lydia at kde.org>
>> Date: January 2, 2010 1:59:43 PM MST
>> To: Steve Stalcup <stalcups at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: I would like the councils to vote on my membership
>> On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 21:47, Steve Stalcup <stalcups at gmail.com>  
>> wrote:
>> Is this in response to just the blog post, or possibly facebook too?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> blog posts, Facebook and Twitter
>> I feel by scrutinizing facebook/Twitter posts cross the line.  I  
>> accept full
>> resposability for what I posted on the planet, I will not accept
>> facebook/Twitter- those are opt in services and are in no way  
>> connected to
>> this project.  After our little scuffle, Tony and I made up -  
>> believe it or
>> not my Mom-in-law is a multigenerarional Canadian- and her family  
>> has been
>> there since it was settled
>> Like I said in mij iirc post- at the end of the day, we are poeple  
>> helping
>> people.  I resigned because of the roumers about my posts - no one  
>> contacted
>> me directly to say "whao Steve, bit harsh there eh?  I would have  
>> loved to
>> get a ping like that
>> As for the reason of my frustration, it's freenode and christel.  I  
>> was
>> angry during or pm, so was she, I took a cheap shot at me, I took  
>> one back-
>> and by freenode standard she was wrong to do so,
>> For weeks I tried to communicate to her to no avail, hence the  
>> email - which
>> I shoul not have posted
> the thing about open source communities is that they are not
> restricted or separated by technology -- they are essentially
> borderless. i will not disregard objectionable behavior which can
> affect the health of the kubuntu community or its members on a
> highly-visible and highly-used medium like facebook or twitter.
> kubuntu is a community project and is not limited to the monetary
> boundaries of what canonical chooses to officially support. this
> doesn't mean you can't object against technical decisions as long as
> it is done in a constructive and useful way (rants and other types of
> bashing do not usually count as constructive by most people). there is
> also no excuse for inappropriate attacks against persons in the
> community on *any* medium. if you feel that you cannot restrain
> yourself from such personal attacks then perhaps reapplying for
> membership is not for you.

That's kind of a low  Blow, considering you have no earthly idea who I  
am and what I have contributed

This a very recent change, and I really feel as if an appology is in  
order, because Mrs. Councilwoman - you crossed the the line

Is it you peronal belief I shoul have.    No further associatio with  
Kubuntu/kde.  Pleases answer and  be honest

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> -- 
> Celeste Lyn Paul
> KDE Usability Project
> KDE e.V. Board of Directors
> www.kde.org
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