update-notifier-kde in lucid

Jonathan Thomas echidnaman at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 14:25:58 GMT 2010

On Sun 21 Feb 2010 07:09:59 am Harald Sitter wrote:
> Howdy!
> I just noticed that lucid still includes the update-notifier-kde, 
but at
> the same time features it's C++ based replacement
> kubuntu-notification-helper. So I am wondering why we still  need 
unk, did
> just no one bother to remove it yet, or is there some real 
usecase that
> knh does not yet support?

Nobody has bothered to remove it yet. KNH does everything that UNK 
did, except for the package updates/distro upgrade features that 
PackageKit handles for us.

> On a related note: earlier today I uploaded a new packagekit 
version that
> enables dist-upgrade and notification capabilities in lucid.

Neat. :) If for some reason this doesn't pan out, KNH does have a 
distribution upgrade feature that isn't currently built, so I 
think we're fairly safe here.

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