Forwarding praise for Kubuntu Maverick Alpha 2

Ryan Kavanagh ryanakca at
Sun Aug 1 16:19:46 BST 2010

Hi Folks,
Here's a bit of encouragement / praise regarding Alpha 2.


----- Forwarded message from Gabi Ruta <gabi.ruta at> -----
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2010 16:04:53 +0300
Subject: GABRIEL R. - Kubuntu Maverick Alpha 2
From: Gabi Ruta <gabi.ruta at>
To: ryanakca at

Hello Sir.
I use Kubuntu Lucid 10.04 since it was launched. Great distro, great Linux
These days, I've tested the shinning new Kubuntu 10.10 Maverick Alpha 2 - 64
bit edition (marching with KDE 4.5) , and I was purelly amaized and pleased.
Exceptional product. Fast booting times, stunning interface and many other
new features was perfectly implemented.
I love KUBUNTU, I love KDE....... I love Linux.
You guys, are THE BEST !!
Thank you very much.

All the best,
and sincerely yours

                           GABRIEL  R.   (Bucharest/Romania)

----- End forwarded message -----

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