testers needed for plasme-widget-networkmanagement (again)...

koso koso.spam at gmail.com
Sun Apr 25 12:51:07 BST 2010

Today I resumed from hibernation, and networking was disabled and it
showed "unmanaged" in interfaces details .. so I clicked on checkbox
"enabled networking". After that, my ethernet connection worked, but
wifi was in some strange state. It did not show any available networks.

I tried to run loadModule command, it said "true", but it did not help.
After that, I tried to restart kded module (unloadmodule + loadmodule)
and it helped. Just after that all available wifi connections were shown.

On 04/16/2010 01:07 AM, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> On Thursday, April 15, 2010 22:10:46 koso wrote:
>> I have found a little issue with plasmoid.
>> Sometimes (very rare) it simply stops displaying available connections.
>> I can turn on/off interfaces, but list of connection (right hand side of
>> plasmoid) is still empy. I tried to click on VPN icon, where is similar
>> connection list dissappearing bug .. but it did not help. I have also
>> tried to remove plasmoid from tray and add it back .. problem was still
>> there. When I start another instance of plasmoid (using plasmoidviewer)
>> it works, so it is probably not problem with backend. Maybe some "bad"
>> state? Or  list is only invisible?
>> Anyone with the same problem? I am using plasmoid full-time for more
>> than 6 weeks, and it happened only 2 times. Only fix I found was logout
>> / restart.
> When this happens next time, can you try to reload the networkmanagement kded module:
> qdbus org.kde.kded /kded loadModule networkmanagement
> ... and then let me know if that helps?
> Thanks,

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