About message indicator and launchers

Celeste Lyn Paul celeste at kde.org
Wed Sep 9 13:30:50 BST 2009

2009/9/9 Aurélien Gâteau <aurelien.gateau at canonical.com>:
> Hi,
> There has been quite some discussion on the Ayatana mailing list about
> whether including application launchers in the message indicator applet
> was a good idea.
> I just discussed this with my manager, who told me that whether the
> message indicator plasmoid should include launchers is something the
> Kubuntu community should decide.

Since we have only discussed inclusion of a design for a message
indicator and not for a message center, AND because v2 (which includes
some of the "center" stuff) is not going to be complete for Kubuntu
Karmic, we should keep true to the nature of the message "indicator"
and remove the links to launch applications if they are not running.

Celeste Lyn Paul
KDE Usability Project
KDE e.V. Board of Directors

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