Ayatana-like notifications for Plasma

Aurélien Gâteau aurelien.gateau at canonical.com
Thu Sep 3 16:40:44 BST 2009

Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>> You don't need to remove the notifications from the systray by patching it, you can 
>> just turn it off with the config option (which you're apparently also removing). This 
>> only makes it harder to switch between those two.
> I am not removing the config option: in fact I recently added a new one 
> to toggle Ayatana notifications on or off.
>> Looking at the code, I see that you're basically not using the (QGraphicsView) 
>> canvas-based system Plasma uses.
> True. I reused some of the code I demonstrated at UDS. Since the 
> PassiveNotificationWidget is a standalone widget which appears over the 
> other windows, what would using QGraphicsView bring?
>> The Timeline stuff in there should probably use 
>> Plasma::Animator, so the notify-osd stuff respect desktop-wide settings for 
>> animations (you can switch them off in a central place, and have animations in 
>> different UI elements synced with each other). Also, hardcoding animation duration 
>> seems clunky -- again, no syncing of the animations with other animations, no way to 
>> switch it off in a central place.
> Reading the API, it seems it requires QGraphicsItem, which probably 
> answer my previous question.

More on the subject of using QGraphicsView and Plasma::Animator: I just 
had a look at the tooltip code, since Ayatana notifications aim at 
looking similar to tooltips, I think it make sense to get some 
inspiration from the code.

I found out that Plasma::ToolTip inherits from QWidget, like I do and 
use QTimeLine as well. Is it just because the code predates 
Plasma::Animator or is it accepted architecture for new code?

Still I found some interesting code in ToolTip to check global animation 
settings and use Plasma frame margins.


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