KO 2.1 - we are smarter yet again!

Yuriy Kozlov yuriy.kozlov at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 15:19:20 GMT 2009

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 5:57 AM, Harald Sitter <apachelogger at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Howdy!
> Just a few minutes ago I saw a complaint about our KOffice 2.1 packages having
> an uglish flaw [1]. So I was searching the launchpad for all information
> regarding recent history of the KO package, and to my surprise what I expected
> to be koffice-kde4 was indeed koffice (source pkg that is)!
> So here I am sitting.
> Wondering.
> Are we smarter than upstream yet again?
> I am quoting the KOffice 2.1 release announcement here
> "In version 2.1, most applications and components have improved significantly
> but should still only be used by early adopters and probably not as the
> primary worktool." [2]
> Hence I would like to know why in lucid koffice [3] is 2.1, yet contains *-kde4
> packages?
> Where did koffice (kde3) go? Vanish? It certainly did not get renamed to koffice-
> kde3 [4]
> Some enlightenment would be nice, because the last thing I want is upstream
> coming after us (yet again) because we screwed up our packaging.
> [1] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=214087
> [2] http://www.koffice.org/news/koffice-2-1-released/
> [3] https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/koffice
> [4] https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/koffice-kde3
> --
> Harald Sitter
> Kubuntu Core Developer
> http://www.kubuntu.org

The upstream announcement said not to ship KOffice 2 as the default
office suite, which it isn't, OpenOffice.org is.  Considering we don't
ship most other KDE3 applications at this point and how broken the
remaining ones have tended to be since Intrepid, and the general
not-quite-usefulness of most of KOffice 1.x, I think it makes perfect
sense to have "koffice" be KOffice 2.  Whichever KOffice is available,
it's for early adopters.  Most people will be using OpenOffice.org as
their only or primary work tool.

As for -kde4 endings, would be nice to drop them if they're the only
versions available anyways.

~ Yuriy

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