Help with quick parley test

Harald Sitter apachelogger at
Mon Nov 23 18:24:21 GMT 2009

Dearest reader!

Our very own Quintasan got a fix for Parley stuck in karmic-proposed, 
unfortunately he can not test and QA it himself, because sudden illness 
enforced bed rest upon this very faithful minion.

Thus I am now asking you, kindly, to help me help Quintasan get this very 
important fix into karmic-updates.
If you care to spend a minute or two, please head over to the bug report and 
ensure the presented issue is indeed fixed in the package from karmic-proposed.

Launchpad bug 484802 in kdeedu "SRU: Parley fails to initialize Python 
scripts" [Undecided,Fix committed]

It is indeed a mere matter of installing and starting the application, so I do 
honestly hope that you, dearest reader, will help us archive our mission of 
unimpeachable and everlasting freedom from the oppression caused by bugs.

Yours sincerely,
Harald Sitter
Kubuntu Core Developer
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