Lucid Documentation

Richard JOHNSON nixternal at
Thu Nov 19 15:16:37 GMT 2009


OK, I am starting to plan on how to go about doing the documentation for
Lucid. Right now there is no doubt that a complete rewrite is necessary for
us to even have something decent, as updating the old documentation would
just be a royal pain. As some of you may know we use a topic based
approach, though quite fake in our setup, and a bit of a pain as well. I
have started outlining the topics to cover with our system documentation

Note, if you are interested in helping to contribute to the docs this
session, please do speak up. We use DocBook/XML with the Article !DOCTYPE.
It is very simple markup and if you can figure out HTML then DocBook should
be just as easy.

We will continue using DocBook/XML until something better comes along to
suit our needs. Because of this we do not write documentation on the wiki,
though we do use documentation from the wiki. If you do not know how to
DocBook and don't want to learn it, you are free to send a .txt file or
such and one of us (myself or Jonathan Jesse) can convert it to DocBook for

If you can think of any other topics that NEED to be covered, please add
them under the section 'Needed Topics' at the bottom of the wiki page [1].



 Name|  Richard JOHNSON
Title|  Developer
Email|  nixternal at
GnuPG|  3578 0981 A21D D662 2A96  7623 F4C1 838C D8C4 4738
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