Disabling Plasma progress notifications?

Jonathan echidnaman at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 12:10:16 GMT 2009

On Tuesday 24 March 2009 8:00:09 am Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> Jonathan wrote:
> > I think that this: http://www.mail-archive.com/plasma-
> > devel at kde.org/msg03878.html could be taken as upstream wishing
> > notifications to be left on for KDE 4.2. I don't think we should disable
> > them either.
> Aaron message mentions a configuration dialog which we do not have right
> now so it's quite more difficult for users to disable these
> notifications in Jaunty.
> Anyway, I believe that if we keep the notifications, we should at least
> disable the auto-hide behavior. I can understand Aaron wish to let
> things mature and get more user feedback, but not at the cost of
> exposing users to potential data-loss because the user interface make
> them believe transfers are finished when they are not.
> I can probably provide a patch if we agree to disable auto-hide behavior.
> Aurélien

Yeah, I'd be okay with that too.

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