Getting more involved in Debian

Nathan Handler nhandler at
Tue Mar 10 03:10:55 GMT 2009

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 2:45 AM, Zhengpeng Hou <zhengpeng.hou at> wrote:
> 在 星期二 10 三月 2009 03:04:56,Nathan Handler 写道:
>> I can take a look at it once I get home later today.
> I noticed you had uploaded it to menters, appreciated your help.
> did you check with your kpogre_1.6.6-0.1.diff.gz?

I'm not sure what you are asking here.

> and one thing more, I prefer to split it into two package, one is kpogre,
> another is kpogre-doc, for the document is a bit heavy.

Ok, I'll prepare a new upload that has a separate kpogre-doc package
sometime tomorrow.

Nathan Handler (nhandler)

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