Kubuntu Netbook Edition Project

Richard JOHNSON nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sun Jul 5 03:54:08 BST 2009

Hey everyone,

I have gone ahead and started a Kubuntu Netbook Edition project in
Launchpad [1]. It is owned and driven by Kubuntu Members and will store any
code we write for KNE.

Currently I have started a plasmoid applet that will allow users to switch
back and forth between a default Kubuntu desktop and the Kubuntu Netbook
Edition desktop. Right now you can just click and watch icons move. Once we
have 2 types of desktops available it should only be a few minutes to
complete the code to make it fully functional.

Also, I would like to setup a meeting for those working on the Kubuntu
Netbook Edition so we can fine tune our direction, document everything, and
get to work. The KNE should be a great platform to hopefully attract new
developers as well.

Lets rock it, if you are working on, or planning to work KNE, join us in
#kubuntu-netbook. Right now there isn't any hands-on work, but stick around
and we should hopefully get there some day :)

 Name|  Richard JOHNSON
Title|  Developer
  WWW|  http://www.ubuntu.com
Email|  nixternal at ubuntu.com
GnuPG|  3578 0981 A21D D662 2A96  7623 F4C1 838C D8C4 4738
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