Some Kubuntu translations love

David Planella david.planella at
Wed Jul 1 12:29:39 BST 2009

Hi Harald,

El dt 30 de 06 de 2009 a les 15:31 +0200, en/na Harald Sitter va
> orphans-parser
> If I didn't screw up the attached file should contain the changes
> between 
> 4.2.2 (r944998) and upcoming 4.2.95 (r986427) as per 
> I'll add some documentation later on, for now I am glad that it
> works :D

That's just awesome. Thanks a lot for the 'blitzschnell' hard work and
the feedback :-).

I'm really glad we're getting this going, and I'm sure Kubuntu users
will appreciate this.

El dt 30 de 06 de 2009 a les 12:38 +0200, en/na Harald Sitter va
> >
> > The Ubuntu Translation Coordinators are team of community members
> > experienced with translation and i18n which would also welcome
> anyone
> > from the Kubuntu community to help us with your experience on KDE
> > translations.
> I am quite sure you would be able to find a KDE liaison via  kde-i18n-
> doc at

Before contacting upstream directly, I thought I should talk to you guys
first to start the wheels rolling.

El dl 29 de 06 de 2009 a les 16:02 +0200, en/na David Planella va
> In order to give time to everyone involved in organising this, I
> propose
> a tentative date in a month's time:
> * WHAT: Kubuntu Translations Day
> * WHERE: #kubuntu-devel on Freenode
> * WHEN: Wed 29th July 2009
> Thoughts, suggestions, ideas, etc. will be very welcome.

Any thoughts on this date? Does it clash with any other Kubuntu event?
Otherwise I'll just stick to it and add it to the Fridge calendar.

Also any other suggestions for the Kubuntu Translations Day will be very
welcome. As an example, I've thought we could assist translators
importing upstream translations which did not make it into Jaunty due to
the KDE and Kubuntu releases not being in sync.

Finally, I wanted to mention that we're having a translations meeting
tomorrow at 15:00UTC in #ubuntu-meeting in Freenode, and I've added the
Kubuntu translations item to the agenda. I'd like to explain translators
what's happening around Kubuntu translations and get some
feedback/discussion on how we can improve things for Karmic.


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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