Res: KPackageKit

Celeste Lyn Paul celeste at
Sat Jan 17 00:28:29 GMT 2009

Hi Daniel, 

Thanks for getting back to me.

On Friday 16 January 2009 07:19:56 pm Daniel Nicoletti wrote:
> Hi,
> first yes, i'm still developing kpk but i don't usually have much time i
> had a company that i leaving this month so next week i'll probably have
> time to improve kpk a bit, but as it is in some sort of shape already
> i'll be given more attention to an apt backend for pk that i'm creating
> with c++ (aptcc).

Would you be available to mentor someone if we could find someone to work on 

> i think it's fine if you want to put into kubuntu although i definitely
> wouldn't do that but this seems to be (k)ubuntu way of working.

Why wouldn't you want to put it in Kubuntu?

> So if you have any ideas features stuff that need changes
> please tell but, it's important to note that kpackagekit won't have
> any distro specific part that is not supported by packagekit, i'm just
> saing that cause i don't want to have any distro favouritism. So if

I never intended for Kubuntu-specific features. 

> something that packagekit has that i didn't had time to implement on kpk
> and you need in kubuntu i can try to put on the important list todo.
> so ideas patches and suggestions are well come.

Yes, they would be general improvements to the app in general, not specific to 
Kubuntu.  I'm interested in shaping it up so that any distro which uses KDE 
can use it.  There has been some interest in it upstream in KDE. I just happen 
to work on Kubuntu.

> Oh and btw the search stuff has now (trunk) some improvements,
> it's already able to search file, name and descriptions if the backend
> support that. (this only need more testing so i can release a new version)

That is good to know, thanks for the info!

> Cheers,
> Daniel.
> ----- Mensagem original ----
> De: Celeste Lyn Paul <celeste at>
> Para: Björn Balazs | Apliki <bjoern.balazs at>
> Cc: Thomas Pfeiffer <thomas.pfeiffer at>; daniel_nic85 at
> Enviadas: Sexta-feira, 16 de Janeiro de 2009 14:26:44
> Assunto: Re: KPackageKit
> On Wednesday 14 January 2009 05:34:56 am Björn Balazs | Apliki wrote:
> > Hi Celeste,
> >
> > thx for your quick answer. I am actually looking rather on the long run
> > of KPackageKit, then on the quick improvements. I have done quite some
> > work
> Sure, an overhaul is good too :)
> Right now I'm concerned with getting KPackageKit shaped up to include in
> Kubuntu Jaunty. So after February's feature freeze I'll be in the right set
> of mind to think about a redesign. Until then, I'm trying to get what UI
> fixes I can.
> > for kuroo and it was working just great - unfortunatly the project died.
> > I would like to continue this work - so I will be trying to convince
> > developers to rethink some basic approaches they have chosen with
> > KPackageKit.
> Daniel Nicoletti is the current KPackageKit manager. I've CC'd him in the
> email, maybe you guys can coordinate in the future. It would be great if we
> could all work together on this.
> Cheers,
> ~ Celeste

Celeste Lyn Paul
KDE Usability Project

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