[Pkg-kde-extras] Future of KDE Bindings for KDE3

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Mon Jan 12 03:51:55 GMT 2009

On Monday 22 December 2008 19:15, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Monday 22 December 2008 06:43, Mitsuya Shibata wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > 2008/12/21 Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at kitterman.com>:
> > > libkorundum0-ruby1.8
> > > Reverse Depends:
> > >  kita2
> > > Is there a plan to transition this to libkorundum4-ruby1.8?  This looks
> > > like a package that actually needs the bindings from KDE3 for now.  Is
> > > upstream working on porting it?
> >
> > When released current version (1.90.4) in 23rd Sep, upstream author said
> > "I will support KDE 4 in next version, if I can spare the time."
> >
> > I will check whether kita2 work with libkorundum4-ruby1.8, or will
> > look into any solution without blocking KDE4 transition.
> >
> > Thank you for notification.
> As a followup, it appears that kita2 is the only package (after the Amarok
> 2 transition) that would be hurt by dropping the bindings for KDE3.  This
> is a signficant maintenance burden that we really can't justify for one
> package.
> Please let your upstream know that we are going to drop KDE3 bindings
> support before our next release and so kita2 will have to be ported if it's
> going to stay in the archive.

Amarok 2 was just uploaded to Jaunty.  This was the major issue keeping KDE3 
bindings in the archive.  Based on IRC conversations with some of the other 
Kubuntu developers, my intention is to re-upload the current kdebindings 
package as kde3bindings.  That will clear the way for our current 
kde4bindings to become kdebindings (as it will be in Debian after Lenny is 

Is there any word on a kita2 port to KDE4?

That and concerns about possibly breaking non-packaged third party scripts are 
the only things holding the bindings for KDE3 from removal.

Scott K

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