lock the newspaper

Roderick B. Greening roderick.greening at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 07:15:04 BST 2009

AFAIK, there is no "lock" as such. However, what's supposed to happen is that 
clicking on the Newspaper icon on the left to add/remove widgets, etc, is 
supposed to go away and deactivate rather than leave everything open to move 
(i..e notice the widgets are all sort of greyed). If you go back and click the 
Newspaper icon (on the right) again, it should change the screen back to 
"locked" again. 

Roderick B. Greening, B.Sc.
Paradise, NL Canada
E-mail/MSN: roderick.greening at gmail.com 
LP: launchpad.net/~roderick-greening 
Wiki: wiki.ubuntu.com/rgreening 
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Identica: identi.ca/rgreening

> how do i lock the newspaper so i can't add widgets or plasmoids to the
> newspaper?
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