karmic netbook test install

Yiannis Belias jonnyb at hol.gr
Fri Aug 14 20:42:00 BST 2009

Hello everyone!
 I just made an install of latest alpha4 on an acer aspire one netbook
and thought I should let you know my impressions. Hope this is the
right place - if not please tell me :)

Well, the text went too long and I wanted screenshots, so I put it here:

BTW, how do you log out from this "Newspaper containment - whatever they want to call it"?
I've clicked everywere!? [Or so I think]


Yiannis Belias  <jonnyb at hol.gr>                    `
Homepage [http://users.hol.gr/~jonnyb/video] '              .
GNU+LINUX:                                            '           '
IN A WORLD WITHOUT FENCES WHO NEEDS GATES?      .                     *

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