plasma-widget-network-manager snapshot up for testing (was: networkmanager plasmoid SRU)

Andrew Stromme andrew.stromme at
Tue Apr 28 21:47:36 BST 2009

On Tuesday 28 April 2009 06:04:00 Andreas Wenning wrote:
> I have uploaded a new svn snapshot to the kubuntu-experimental PPA:
> Note: This PPA indeed contains very experimental stuff at times; so you
> might want to hand-download the .deb and install it.
> Please test version 0.0+svn959985-0ubuntu1~ppa2 and give us some feedback.
> We of course want to know if it solves anything for you; and more
> importantly we want to know if you find any regressions compared to the
> current version in jaunty.
> Please send a report back to this list. You're of course also welcome to
> ping me on IRC (a|wen on #kubuntu-devel) with comments.
> Cheers,
> Andreas

With both the jaunty build and this newer build connecting to a WPA Enterprise 
network with PEAP and MSCHAPv2 does not work. I got something that worked for 
a moment with current svn built from source, but then that failed as well.... 
what do we do in cases like mine? For me there was no option for ethernet, no 
option for any other wifi network. Is there any fallback on the jaunty cd?

Andrew Stromme

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