Call for localization testing

Harald Sitter apachelogger at
Thu Apr 2 19:38:49 BST 2009


Today I pushed a fix for [1] to bzr and uploaded a test package to kubuntu-
experimental (for jaunty that is).
Everyone (that includes those that use english or anything else :P) please 
give it a try. Since the patch fiddles with kdeglobals, we really do not want 
to have a bug in there.

It takes the LANG environment variable (or extracts them from appropriate 
files if not set), then runs a regexp on it to determine the country of your 
de_AT => at
en_CA => ca
It will then write those values to kdeglobals in order to get settings fitting 
your country (currency, day format, time format, ...).

In addition to that it should handle the following cases properly:
no LANG is set, or the regexp check is returning an empty string (which would 
for example be the case with LANG=C).

Should I have missed a case where the change applies invalid data, or if the 
country value doesn't get set at all (you can check that through the regional 
KCM in systemsettings) please report.


Technical enlightenment: the code portion is part of startkde, so it is 
technically possible that the changes only get applied at 2nd login. I am not 
sure about that, since I didn't have time to test it through, but if this is 
the case I would very much appreciate help on how to get KDE update the memory 
stored settings in case kdeglobals has been updated.

Thanks a lot!

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