Guidance porting to KDE 4

Nicolas Ternisien nicolas.ternisien at
Sat Nov 15 17:24:26 GMT 2008

Hi KDE and KUbuntu Developers,

My name is Nicolas Ternisien, and I'm the kdeadmin coordinator. I am
planning to port most of Guidance application to KDE 4, in order (if
it does not take too much time) to include it into the kdeadmin module
for KDE 4.3 release.

I'm planning to import the 0.8 release of Guidance to the following
folder, probably with the name guidance-kde4 :

This porting will have fulfill the following tasks :

- Port to the CMake build system (the
project of Jonathan Riddell will be a good startup point)
- Port main applications to KDE 4 (in my point of view, in the
following priority order : userconfig, serviceconfig, mountconfig,
displayconfig and wineconfig)
- Succeed to integrate those applications as KDE 4 KCModule, to
include them into systemsettings (as it was in KDE 3)

I will try to make my best to succeed those tasks, but it will be a
pleasure to receive help from anybody. I've discussed with Simon
Edwards, which told me that the KUbuntu team already ported the
userconfig app to KDE 4, so if you see no problem in this, the
Launchpad bzr branch will be merged into the KDE SVN guidance porting

This achievement will have the advantage to provide an easy
architecture for people interested in creating new Admin KCModule,
using the really good Python language, and replace old and sometimes
ugly applications from the KDE Admin module (more particularly KSysV
and KUser). Of course, this replacing will be done only when the
Guidance equivalent apps will have the potentially missing features
those old applications had.

I hope this project is being interesting you, and as you see, this
project is starting early to have a chance to vastly improve kdeadmin
module for KDE 4.3

The KDE 4.3 schedule has been updated about this project :


Nicolas Ternisien

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