daily-live March 18th, 2008

Chuck Adams k7qo at commspeed.net
Wed Mar 19 17:00:47 GMT 2008

Good news.  This ISO does boot and install.  Thanks to the individual
or group of individuals that made this happen.  I am forever grateful
for the hard work and the valuable time taken to do this.

When the beta 8.04 comes out next week:  will the daily-live correspond
to that release and will the daily build be the way to get the latest and
greatest versions of updates?  Or go with the flow and use adept-updater
along with the rest of the Universe?  :-)

Again, thanks for the fixes.  I need my daily fix.



Chuck Adams, K7QO
k7qo at commspeed.net

Moving to Arizona?  Bring your own water, please.

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