KDE4 (Alpha 6) LAN Install - No option to install KDE Desktop

Buks Hanekom bukshanekom at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 22:09:33 GMT 2008

When doing a LAN install using the hardy-alternate-i386.iso (my cd-rom 
drive is busted), There is no option to install the KDE Desktop.
The only options are:
  [ ] Mail Server
  [ ] OpenSSH server
  [ ] Print server
  [ ] Samba File server
I had the same problem with the previous alpha release.
The option is however available when installing directly from the .iso 
to a virtual-box VM (ie. booting from the mounted iso)
This problem seems to be specific to the kubuntu-kde4 images, because I 
have been able to install the kubuntu (KDE3) images via the LAN


-- Buks

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