New KDE3 Apps for Intrepid

Al Twohill moebiusproject at
Mon Jul 28 01:05:35 BST 2008

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 5:07 AM, Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at> wrote:
> Should we allow them?
> I'm thinking no.
> Scott K

Agreed. To me the mixing of KDE3 and KDE4 is just as messy as KDE and
GNOME mixed - worse even, as they often have very similar icons (KDE4
just adds extra shine and snazziness). This will be very confusing to
new users ("what's the difference between Kapp and Kapp (KDE3)?...
Nothing? Then why is it there?"). IMHO if we do include them, they
should be in a separated area of the K-Menu.


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