testers wanted for knetworkmanager 0.7

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 18:16:30 BST 2008

Celeste Lyn Paul wrote:

> So not so much bug testing as UI review.  Screenshots of issues and
> mockups for a solution based on the current design (read: not a major
> redesign, just fixes and tweaks).
> I dunno who wrote KNetworkManager 0.7, but feel free to pass it on to
> them. Comments are welcome as well.


I haven't tested the app, but I read through the UI review. The suggested
improvements look great and make the application a lot more clear.

It strikes me as odd that the ESSID is made editable in the Edit Connection
dialog. Isn't the ESSID something of a primary unique identifier? I mean I
thought it would make more sense that the only reason to edit a ESSID would
be to configure a new connection. Would the name of the connection in the
title bar change to reflect the connection you're renaming?

Also, I see value in the filter bar in the select wireless network access
point section if there are 15 networks. It doesn't bother me too much
though, as I'm never around that many personally.

All the best,


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