kde4bindings, mono transition, and nepomuk

Harald Sitter apachelogger at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 2 12:40:18 GMT 2008

On Tuesday 02 December 2008 13:09:55 Scott Kitterman wrote:
> This leads to a FTBFS in the mono nepomuk binding.  That needs
> nepomuk/query.h to build.  This lives in kdebase-workspace-dev, which would
> conveniently restore the circular build-dep we had so much fun with in
> Intrepid.

Since the dependencies in Python, Ruby and SMOKE have been resolved it appears 
that the csharp stuff is just not yet done with whatever the bindings people 
decided to do in order to get rid of the circular dep.

Also... usually we want to deactivate the nepomuk thing via cmake, rather than 
patching it ;-)


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