Question on mounting of USB Drives and JuK

Lydia Pintscher lydia.pintscher at
Sat Apr 5 11:57:49 BST 2008

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 4:02 AM, Jonathan Jesse <jjesse at> wrote:
> Good evening,
> Runing Kubuntu 8.04 Remix and I have noticed a problem with one of my USB
> drives (500 GB, formated in ext3) likes to mount itself over and over again.
> Especially when I am playing music in JuK.  An example is that when I go to
> chnage songs, I hear the drive spin up and get a notification in the Device
> Notifier that a new device is attached.
>  In /media/ I now have a listing for /media/disk, /media/disk-1,
> /media/disk-2, /media/disk-3, /media/disk-4, etc, which makes it hard for me
> to keep my music collection setup.
> Just curious if anyone else has noticied this or had other problems?

I have a similar problem.
Though it happens for me on every system start and not during normal use.
I get /media/My Book, /media/My Book-1 and so on. (My music is on that
HD and Amarok pointed to it which makes it a pain to use my collection
with it)

(Hardy with KDE 4 here too)


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager -

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