Feeling like a 2nd class citizen

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at iserv.net
Tue Nov 27 02:52:10 GMT 2007

Good evening,

I know I probablly shouldn't be posting this to both lists, but I couldn't
figure out which one would be better to post to.

I am getting frustrated with using Konqueror as my default browser.  I
don't know if I just have some problems, or its the fact that I am running
64-bit Kubuntu, but it is getting to the point that browsing the web is
just easier, and more fun in Internet Explorer.

I know that Google and GMail don't always play nice with Konqueror and
have lived to accept it, but it is other sites that I am getting sick of
trying to deal with.
I can to a page, an example being Facebook, and not get all of the images
or all of the links to work.  I go to a travel site to book airplane
tickets and get to use the "basic" settings, I go to a page and am told
flash is not installed when I do have the non-free version of flash
installed or even better I click on a link and nothing happens until I
click on the link 3 or 4 times and finally the "gear" starts spinning and
I get the page I want.  Another fun problem is when I increase the font
size the text blurs together and I can't read it.... or go to a page that
has a form and the text runs into the form so I don't really know what I'm
filling out.

Is it just that I need to switch to Firefox on my Kubuntu install?  Or
should I stick to browsing the web in my XP VM, cause things "just work"

Jonathan Jesse

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