[kubuntu-devel] KDE4 / QT4 plans

Jos Poortvliet jos at mijnkamer.nl
Thu Mar 8 09:51:04 GMT 2007

On 3/8/07, Jonathan Riddell <jriddell at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 18, 2007 at 12:24:19AM +0000, john levin wrote:
> > I have googled heavily about this, but would like to ask about plans for
> > KDE4 and QT4 alphas/betas in Kubuntu.
> >
> > Although I know that there isn't a timescale for KDE4 as yet, there are
> > alpha packages available - one for kubuntu dating from circa Sept, and
> > more recent ones for mac OS X * - and I would like to know, even if it
> > isn't in any shape to be shipped officially with Feisty, Feisty+1 or
> > even Feisty+2, whether there are plans for testing betas for kubuntu.

It seems there are talks about a release schedule, with a soft freeze in a
couple of months, start of the RC cycle end of the summer and a final
release at the beginning off october. Which makes me wonder how feasable it
is to get KDE 4 in Feisty+1. I guess with a lot of effort (and probably a
month-delay or something) it would be possible to deliver the latest &
greatest with Feisty+1 - after all, Ubuntu follows Gnome releases by a
couple of weeks, so they pull it off every time. But KDE 4 is a big thing,
and it would come down to a choice of (again...) a 3.5.x release, stable and
all, or a bit more edgy, KDE 4 based release. A delay of 1 or 2 months of
the release, provided KDE is able to keep their release date, would solve
the problem, but I'm not sure Mark would allow that.

I make packages as KDE makes releases.  KDE 4 in feisty includes
> almost all the modules now, they should be passing through NEW today.
> Jonathan
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