Groupware server proposal

Ryan Kavanagh ryanakca at
Wed Jul 25 16:19:51 BST 2007

On July 25, 2007, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> On Sunday 15 July 2007 20:17:40 Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > On Sunday 15 July 2007 16:18, Sven Richter wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > On Friday 13 July 2007 19:50:16 Ryan Kavanagh wrote:
> > > > About this time last summer, we were having a hard time trying to
> > > > pick a time for a meeting, since everybody had different schedules,
> > > > etc. Then somebody proposed a KOLAB server. It mulled, and I kinda
> > > > thought of setting one up, but only got around to it about 6 months
> > > > later, after contacting Paleo (Olivier Bédard, the guy who hosts the
> > > > webpages for Amarok, etc.). We tried setting KOLAB up for Kubuntu
> > > > Devel over a couple weeks, without success, probably due to the fact
> > > > that compiling old server software from scratch doesn't often work
> > > > well. Since then, I tried installing eGroupWare, with moderate
> > > > success, and KOLAB has recently released Kolab 2.1.0 after a couple
> > > > years.
> > >


> Any update on this?

Yes, I'm currently in the process of trying to get eGroupWare synced from 
Debian, I just need to figure out why it's in experimental. It builds fine in 
a Gutsy sbuild. Umm. The server will be Gutsy, and when Gutsy gets released, 
ScottK thought up of a great marketting scheme to pull in more corporate 
users... something like:

With Ubuntu Server 7.10 and Kubuntu 7.10 you can easily set up an open source 
collaboration server with eGroupWare. It offers seamless integration into 
Kubuntu's KDE-PIM suite, yadda yadda. A shining example of it would be 
Kubuntu Devel's eGroupWare server. 

We'd probably have to get the marketting team to write it up... or a great 
writer from the Kubuntu/Server teams. And, if I'm not mistaken, eGroupWare 
was part of the server team's goals for Gutsy.


Ryan Kavanagh (ryanakca)
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