Submitted for your approval: supported package indicator tooltips...

Michael D. Stemle, Jr. manchicken at
Wed Jan 31 03:55:25 GMT 2007

So mornfall looked at my previous patch, and it was going to pose a 
performance problem.  I've patched my previous patch.  Please review at your 
liesure.  I've also committed this to the previously mentioned bazaar branch, 
so you can look back there, too.  Later.

On Saturday 27 January 2007 19:02, Michael D. Stemle, Jr. wrote:
> Okay, so here's a patch to stick a tooltip on  the supported package
> indicator I stuck in there earlier.  Tooltips for cells in QListViews
> stink.
> There are two heroes in this patch from #kubuntu-devel: yuriy and toma. 
> These two resourceful individuals helped me figure this out.  I just
> thought they should be mentioned as heroes here.
> Anyway, here's the patch.  Just more patches to adept/adept/lister.h and
> adept/adept/lister.cpp
> If you don't like applying patches, and/or you'd just like to check out the
> changes in context, you can check it out from bazaar.  The branch is below:
> Thanks a bunch.

~ Michael D. Stemle, Jr. <><
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer
The number of the beast - vi vi vi
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