[kubuntu-devel] Kubuntu Testers wake up!

jos poortvliet jos at mijnkamer.nl
Tue Feb 27 22:41:00 GMT 2007

Op Tuesday 27 February 2007, schreef Jonathan Riddell:
> On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 09:29:33PM +0100, Martin B?hm wrote:
> > The time has come for all of us to "do our part" in Kubuntu 7.04
> > Feisty Fawn development. If you haven't done that already, please
> > upgrade to the development version of Kubuntu (preferably through our
> > new dist-upgrade tool - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDistUpgrade )
> > and report back the issues you encountered while installing, upgrading
> > to or using Kubuntu Feisty.
> There are some remaining issue with this tool.  Since it is vital it
> has a lot of testing, please wait a few days until it is known to work
> (for me at least) then we'll need everyone to test.
> Jonathan
I didn't use the tool (didn't work) but upgraded the day before FOSDEM (yes, I 
trust Kubuntu that much, to upgrade Feisty the 2 days before I plan to use 
the laptop to give a presenation ;-)). Worked flawless from the commandline. 
Took some time, though ;-)


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