Feature Request for Adept

Michel D'HOOGE list.dhooge at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 06:15:53 GMT 2007

On Sunday 11 February 2007 11:30, Constantin Makshin wrote:
> Of course the user should be warned about possible consequences.
> Also I guess it should mark packages for removing, so other Adept features
> (previewing of changes, cancelling some changes, etc.) are still available.
You could have a look at aptitude, another (less) GUI-oriented interface to 
APT. It uses an additional flag for all packets to know whether they were 
directly chosen by the user or automatically added to satisfy dependencies. 
This is quite neat because you can then choose which packets are really 
important to you -especially if you have softwares installed without dpkg and 
that relies on some packages that look otherwise as "not used".

This feature is really mandatory for me so I won't switch to another tool 
unless it can provide it. :-)
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