KMail Mail Exporter Patch

Matthias Lechner matthias at
Sat Feb 3 06:54:58 GMT 2007

Hi Vladimir,

first: thanks for this patch. It's really time that KMail gets mail export 

However there are some problems I see with this patch:
- the filenames are hardcoded and thus can't be translated
- imho it would be better to allow the user to select a directory where the 
archive gets stored
- what about IMAP users? Their mails are not stored locally and so there 
archive file may be empty. Too bad when they rely on their mails being stored 
on disk.

Maybe there could be something like an mail export assistant with loadable 
modules for different mail formats ;-)

Best regards

On Saturday 03 February 2007 03:47:06 Vladimir Stefan wrote:
> I've attached a patch against 3.5.6 that resolves
> I've sent a patch against svn
> upstream. My patch adds a new entry "File->Export Mail..." which when
> selected uses ark to compress the user's mail directory. If ark is not
> available, the Export Mail option is grayed out.
> It places the compressed archive in a folder (kmail_exported_mail) on the
> users desktop, and opens konqueror in filemanagement mode to display the
> file.
> The mail/ directory inside the archive can be imported using KMail's mail
> import tool.
> Vladimir.

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