Kubuntu LTS

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at kubuntu.org
Fri Dec 21 17:09:51 GMT 2007

On Friday 21 December 2007, Sergey Rudchenko wrote:
| IMHO it's better to make stable as a mammoth's shit KDE3-based release.
| I prefer to do not accumulate bugs in feature-racing.

+1 on this idea, but are all of those who are criticizing our efforts, whom 
don't already contribute, going to step up and help us make it "stable as 
mammoth's shit?" Actually this is a bad analogy, because obviously mammoths 
weren't all that stable, I haven't seen one walking around Chicago in 
years :)

We aren't getting rid of KDE 3.5, we aren't putting any less focus on KDE 3.5, 
and it is my understanding that we are still following through with the 
specifications created at UDS Boston, we just won't have an LTS tag.

Does adding the LTS moniker really make people feel that much more safe? I 
really wish we had numbers to see how many times an updated kdebase was 
pulled from the repositories for Dapper. I think this could really help us 
all decide on a positive medium.

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at kubuntu.org
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