Bightness laptop keys regression in gutsy (bug 145337)

Luka Renko lure at
Sun Dec 2 09:06:18 GMT 2007

On Sunday 02 December 2007 09:45:20 Luka Renko wrote:
> 3. kmilo KGlobalAccel does not catch xkeysym action
> Very hard to debug, but we could test different mappings just to check if
> there are some limitations on which xkeysym work.
> In order to debug this furher, I would first focus on point 3. I will write
> some debugging ideas on separate e-mail. 

How to manually test this with brightness keys on your laptop:

1. Manually assign keycode
In Konsole, execute the following commands:
xmodmap -e 'keycode 101 = XF86LaunchD'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 212 = XF86LaunchE'

2. Assign some KDE global shortcuts
- start System Settings 
- go to "Keyboard & Mouse", select "Keyboard Shortcuts" section
- in "Shortcuts Schemes", check that you are in "Global Shortcuts" tabe
- find "Maximize Window" action (in "Windows" section)
- select it and in the bottom of screen select "Custom" or click on  button 
with "None" label
- dialog will open, now press appropriate brightness key (up or down)
- XF86LaunchD or XF86LaunchE should be entered
  (if not, check step 1.)
- click "Apply" button

3. Test newly assigned key
- ensure that you have one window set as current
- press assigned key -> window should maximize

If the first key works, please repeat step 2. and 3. with the second 
brightness key, to test both xkeysym assignments.
When I get some reports (positive or negative), we can debug this further. 

You can also try to reach me on IRC in #kubuntu-devel - just ping Lure.


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