kde 4 beta 1 feisty testers needed

Harald Sitter sitter.harald at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 17:49:20 BST 2007

On Saturday 04 August 2007 17:09:57 Yuriy Kozlov wrote:
> On 8/4/07, Jonathan Riddell <jriddell at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> > Please test beta 1 in fiesty and let me know if it works (just try
> > running individual applications from within a KDE 3 session).
> >
> > http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php
> >
> > Jonathan
> Works pretty well for me, at least better than the openSuse based live-cd
> did. I ran a full session as well as individual applications and konqueror,
> dolphin, plasma (though there's only a clock), ksysguard, and okular
> worked.
> The rest of the KDE4 packages haven't been updated yet?  Will there be
> a koffice2 alpha included?

I work on getting a snapshot of Amarok2 from the beta1 revision. It's script 
based, so we hopefully can provide an Amarok snapshot with beta2 (if no 
Amarok alpha/beta is available at that time).

> One thing I haven't figured out is how to turn on window
> effects/compositing.

Right click the window deco -> configure behavior -> either it's called 
desktop effects or .*tranclucency.*
Though, are the packages actually compiled with compisite support?

Harald Sitter
Kubuntu Member
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