Kubuntu homepage redesign

Flavio Tordini flavio.tordini at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 09:11:05 BST 2006

Hi Kenneth,
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I'm interested in working to the website, not 
necessarily using my design. Any design is ok as long as it is cool and 
easy-to-use. I'd like to see what you've done so far. Please let me know how 
I can be helpful.


On Tuesday 24 October 2006 01:15, Kenneth Wimer wrote:
> Hi Flavio,
> I am currently the "Artist in Chief" for kubuntu (only for the edgy cycle).
> I was in the process of updating the website as you sent this mail. I made
> several design ideas and a couple of them are very close to what you
> suggest, style-wise.
> Perhaps you would be interested in workind on the website? I am not sure if
> we can change the layout that much from the current typical ubuntu style
> without problems at this time, but any step in the right direction would be
> good :-)
> Let me know what you think.
> Bye,
> Kenneth
> On Sunday 22 October 2006 00:23, Flavio Tordini wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I think Kubuntu needs a more user-oriented homepage. The page should be
> > useful to people who know absolutely nothing about Linux but want to give
> > it a try. My main concern with the current website is how difficult it is
> > to download a Kubuntu ISO. When I point people to kubuntu.org, they have
> > a hard time finding the correct file. Alternate, desktop, i386, amd64,
> > this is too technical.
> >
> > So here's a proposal for a better Kubuntu website:
> > http://flavio.tordini.org/kubuntu-restyling/
> >
> > Flavio Tordini

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