Greetings from a Kubuntu developer newbie

Achim Bohnet ach at
Sat Nov 25 22:35:24 GMT 2006

On Saturday, 25. November 2006 20:57, James Smith wrote:
> Hello all, 
> I am interested in helping out development of Kubuntu.  I have a good amount of C++ experience, some Qt experience, but little KDE development experience (but I'm eager to learn!).  I know this may be like opening Pandora's box, but what projects need development/debugging/testing help?
> I have been using open source software for years now, and I have decided the time has come for me to pitch in.  I recently installed Kubuntu and have been quite impressed with the results, so much so that I'd like to help.

Great.  Best visit IRC #kubuntu-devel on
There most development stuff is organized.  

Have a look at
or help fixing bugs reported in lauchpad, help kubuntu users on
IRC or mailing list.

Pick your favorite;)


> Thank you,
> James Smith (and yes, that is my real name)
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