kernel 2.6.15-12 and /proc/bus/usb/devices

Joao Pedro Clemente jpcl at
Sun Jan 15 09:56:01 GMT 2006

Hi people.
I upgraded to the lastest kernel (2.6.15-12) and now I'm missing
/prob/bus/usb/devices, altough I can get a lsusb listing.....
I am wondering how can this be (where is lsusb getting its data?!?) , and
if it could be considered a bug or not, since it breaks applications that
were expecting /proc/bus/usb/devices to exist.

		        	Joao Pedro Clemente
        			jpcl @
					(when not working out)
					(when not sleeping)
					(when not surfing)
					(when not ... ;)

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