kdm theme manager

Raphaël Pinson raphink at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 17 12:42:27 GMT 2006

There is a kdmtheme package made by jpatrick. It was uploaded on the 8th of 
Feb to Ubuntu and is still stuck somewhere in NEW : 

Hopefully it'll be in soon.



Le Vendredi 17 Février 2006 10:06, Javier a écrit :
> Hi
> I don't know if this has already been asked, but have the ubuntu dev's
> considered including the kdm theme manager? I't listed in kdeapps.org
> and the official website appears to be here: http://beta.smileaf.org/
> They already provide a package for breezy.
> Thanxs

raphink at ubuntu.com
Ubuntu - Linux for human beings
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