[kubuntu-devel] eric and eric3 broken

Rajeev J Sebastian rajeev_jsv at dinamis.com
Mon Feb 13 21:07:41 GMT 2006

On Tuesday 14 February 2006 01:57, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2006 at 04:46:27PM +0100, Sebastian K?gler wrote:
> > 'eric3' is a very old and broken package, seems to me that this one
> > should just go out of the archives. (Maybe put a meta package in place
> > depending on 'eric' to keep it backwards compatible.) (If you want the
> > exact error, let me know, but I think it's irrelevant since this package
> > is deprecated, the errors have to do with incompatible PyQT versions.)
> Yes, I'm sure I've asked for it to be removed long ago.
> > 'eric' hangs opening files on FUTEX_WAKE (straced it, but couldn't solve
> > the problem). I'll try with an upstream version in a bit and let you know
> > if that helps.
> Hmm, yes, I'll try and take a look at what the changes are between
> that and the original sources.  Let me know if you find anything out
> first.
I tried the latest upstream sometime ago.  Unfortunately, I was not successful 
in upgrading the current source package to the latest.

However, there is a serious issue with the latest (stable) upstream version as 
well which only seems to be apparent in Kubuntu dapper (IIRC i have run that 
version on breezy successfully). The issue is that none of the configuration 
XML files or project XML files can be opened (or saved). Eric3 shows 
exception dialogs with an error mostly pointing to some problem with DTDs 
(i.e., it claims that project files are in error, with the error location 
being at the point where a DTD is referred to). I haven't been able to track 
down the exact problem though and am unable to fix it. So, for sometime now, 
I have been "creating new projects" everytime I need to work on some of my 
python projects.

Rajeev J Sebastian

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