dapper and KDE updates

Hobbsee hobbsee at kubuntu.org
Wed Aug 30 09:00:51 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Yes and no.

We have packages for KDE 3.5.4 for edgy and dapper - but not breezy or
hoary, both are still supported.  Same in the case of kopete - I've had
one user ask for a package for breezy.  That's all.

Basically, it's a case of demand - if people want it, and it builds
without trouble, then sure, we'll likely continue to backport it.

There will still be security updates for kde 3.5.2 with dapper, as that
was shipped.  Perhaps there will be a backport of 3.5.5 or something -
who knows?  Depends how stable it is, and if it offers major
improvements without breaking anything.

Generally though, you do need to upgrade if you want to keep up with the
latest packages, and all the bugfixes.


Rocco Stanzione wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 August 2006 6:55 pm, golfer wrote:
>> Will Kubuntu continue to support Dapper with future KDE, Koffice,
>> Amarok updates, or is the plan to require us to upgrading to Edgy to
>> keep the latest kde stuff?
> I can't speak to the policy, since I'm not aware of it, but historically kde, 
> koffice and amarok packages have been made available for previous releases.
> Rocco
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