Problem with printers.desktop in kdeprint

Michel D'HOOGE list.dhooge at
Fri Aug 11 11:02:15 BST 2006


On my dapper/KDE 3.5.4, kdeprint provides /usr/share/applications/kde/printers.desktop which 
creates an icon in the applications part of the menu while all others configuration icons are in
the actions part (including printers).

After some investigations, I found:

$ dlocate printers.desktop
app-install-data: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/printers.desktop
kdeprint: /usr/share/applications/kde/printers.desktop
$ diff /usr/share/app-install/desktop/printers.desktop /usr/share/applications/kde/printers.desktop
< Categories=Qt;KDE;X-KDE-settings-hardware;
< X-AppInstall-Package=kdeprint
< X-AppInstall-Section=main
> Categories=Qt;KDE;X-KDE-settings-hardware;Settings;

I removed "Settings;" and the printer configuration is now only at its "correct" place
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