KDE4: Home folder files deleted

Matthias Lechner matthias at lmme.de
Mon Aug 7 18:55:11 BST 2006

Sorry again :-)
Still the KMail bug... I guess I will have to switch to Thunderbird :-(

Best regards

Am Montag, 7. August 2006 19:49 schrieb Matthias Lechner:
> Hi Randy,
> for testing purposes I added a user "kde-devel", so the home folder that
> actually was deleted was "/home/kde-devel". In fact *all* files in this
> directory got deleted (with exception of the hidden files and those I've
> already named, very strange...).
> Regarding your issue: you may quote me and use my name whereever you want
> as I posted this bug on a public mailing list :-)
> Best regards
> Matthias
> Am Montag, 7. August 2006 18:06 schrieb Randy Kramer:
> > On Sunday 06 August 2006 09:15 am, you wrote:
> > > as I wanted to start contributing to KDE4, yesterday I decided to build
> > > a basic KDE4 environment. The building process was very fast (much
> > > better than with autotools!) and there were just a very few problems
> > > which were related to my system.
> > >
> > > But when I started X and startkde just a few minutes ago I got some
> > > error messages related to kio and I was left with a blank screen with
> > > only the background visible. So I killed the X server and when I tried
> > > to restart it I noticed that all files in my home folder
> > > (/home/kde-devel) with the exception of
> > > /home/kde-devel/kde/share/[applications,autostart] had been deleted :-(
> > >
> > > How does this come?
> >
> > Matthias,
> >
> > I can't answer either of your questions, but for a different reason, I'm
> > interested in what happened to you.
> >
> > It is not totally clear to me--are you saying that all the files in your
> > home directory (something like /home/<lechner or whatever>) were deleted,
> > or just all the files under /home/<lechner  or whatever>/kde-devel were
> > deleted (with the exception of  /kde/share/[applications,autostart]?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Randy Kramer
> >
> > PS: If you lost all your files (and whether or not you had them backed up
> > or not), I'd like to copy part of your email (without using your name,
> > but identifying the mail list, or maybe just saying "an unidentified
> > developer's list" to the qna at linuxbasics.org mailing list (and maybe,
> > sometime in the future, my local lug's list).
> >
> > I've been trying to advocate the separation of "real" data from
> > "configuration data" in /home, and a few people don't even seem to
> > tolerate my advocacy, claiming that only I (or a very small number of
> > other people) have any need for such separation.  (I know there is some
> > separation by virtue of the hidden vs. non-hidden files, and that I can
> > back them up separately, but the notion of putting both types of files in
> > the same directory, resorting to hiding one of the types of files, seems
> > to me to be a real kludge, which could / should be corrected sometime
> > when a convenient opportunity arises.
> >
> > > BTW: is there a list with open tasks for kde4 development?

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